Fame and the mirror trick

Fame and the Mirror Trick

A two minute play

        They love me. They clap, cheer and shout. I can’t keep the grin off my face. I wave and blow kisses to show I feel the same about them. Walking off the stage, back to the dressing room and getting back to my everyday clothes nothing changes, I’m still the me on the stage, me in my last movies, me at the guest appearances I’ve had. But that’s not the me; the me I know. It can’t be helped. I’m still at the theater. When I walk out, there will be people there just to see me or ask for my autograph. So, of course, I’m the me they expect me to be.

        I go home, let out a sigh and think now, finally, I can be me, me, just me, the me I know. I got framed pictures on the wall;  mom, dad, sisters and brothers, Ken and me with our fishing poles and that string of crappies. In the hall closet is the bowling ball I purchased and used only once. And on the shelf there’s the baseball glove of when I wanted to be a center fielder. Yeah, I was home alright, but I wasn’t me. I was still the me everybody sees as me.

        I tried things, closed my eyes and thought back. Got with old friends over and talked old time. I read books that I read before. I could go on. Nothing worked.

        Then somebody told me to look in The Book of Secrets. I did, and there it was. I didn’t waste a minute getting to the mirror.

        You stand in front a full length mirror, stand real  still, then, like that, you jump away. You got to do it really fast so your image is still in the mirror. I did it three for times before it worked. And so I got to be me again.