One Act Play with optional 2nd Act
Lynda……a young wife
Rex ……. a young husband
The set
A bedroom. On Lynda’s side of the bed is a table with the lamp that lights the room.
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The play
Lynda slips off her robe and lets it drop to the floor. She is is wearing a sexy night gown. She kneels on the bed and waits for Rex to come to bed. He enters wearing pajamas. She pulls down a shoulder strap, smiled and waits for him to look at her. He doesn’t. He gets in bed, pulls up the covers without looking at her. She slides down next to him and kisses his neck. He turns and kisses her quickly on the cheek, turns pulls the covers up and is ready to go to sleep.
Honey, you didn’t even look at me.
Huh, what?
This morning, when I told you, you were so thrilled. Our baby Rex. Our baby. I felt so in love with you. I couldn’t wait for tonight. You know, so we could…
He lifts up his head.. You mean you want to do it? Lynda, you’re pregnant now. We did it. Why would we be doing it again?
Why? Why? Because……but are you saying we don’t do it now that I’m pregnant. Is that it?
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Well yeah, of course. What else was it for?
What else was it for? What else; like I’m a cow that had to be bred. Is that what you mean?
No, no, sweetheart…A cow?
Bulls and cows, stallions and mares, roosters and hens: that was the reason we were doing it: to have my calf…my, my what? baby horse.
Lyn, sweetheart, you got to know. It’s how it is. If we did it again, it’d be like we’d be a couple of queers. You know Gay. We’re not gay.
You know what I mean. We’d be two gay people, homosexual. Homosexuals don’t make babies so why are they doing it. You know what I mean now. Let’s get some sleep, huh honey. Huh, you’re pregnant now and you should get lots of sleep. We want a nice healthy baby, don’t we?
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She gets out of the bed. So here I am: a cow, maybe sow. How many babies do you want out of me?
You’re angry. Why are you angry? Didn’t we enjoy what we did to get the baby. You liked it. I know you did.
I thought it was love; it was what two people share, have together, what nobody has to know; just you and I. We kissed, you loved me so nice; kissing me, kissing my neck saying those wonderful things you said, how beautiful I was, how much you loved me, honey. One night and another and another we made such wonderful love. And now that’s all over?
Yes, darling; the way we loved was wonderful. It was. And it did make you ready, didn’t it?
Made me ready? Like a couple fingers up there? I wonder if that isn’t how you get a sow ready.
No, no you’re taking it the wrong way, I wasn’t saying you were a…honey.
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Lynda is out of bed. She grabs her robe from the floor and puts it on as she walks to the door.
I’m going to sleep in the other room tonight.
REX get out of bed. She is out the door and he follows after her.
Lynda, honey we did it. I know you can understand that. Honey?
He is out the door
End of Act I
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Act II
The same set. Rex is standing by the bed. He is wearing pajamas with the top over hanging. He stares at the door where there is the sound of a crying baby. Lynda, off stage, hums a lullaby and soon the baby stops crying. Rex shows anticipation waiting for her to come in the door. Lynda enters wearing sexy short legged pajamas. The top is unbuttoned to the top of her breast.
Everything’s okay now. We can.
Ah um, She smiles. Are you ready?
Ready? (He drops his pajama bottoms. Steps out of them, bends to pick up and throws the pajama bottoms on the bed. The the shirt top covers him down to his thights.) Oh honey, am I ready; I’ve been ready for weeks. Every night seeing you come to bed, looking like you do: so beautiful. I kept hoping now we can start making another baby. It’s been such a long. He looks down at himself I did waste some, but I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t. I was dreaming and it happened. But now we can start again; all those wonderful nights we were making a baby. Today, tomorrow
I know. I’ve been thinking about it too and I wanted it to that special time. She gets into bed, lays back against the pillow and Rex slides up next to her. He reaches to loosen the next button
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down on her top. She puts her hand to stop him. It’s okay sweetheart. I made myself ready. We can just do it.
Oh, but….
And it’ll be only once; I waited for the special time.
But…He tries to kiss her neck. She pushes him away.
No, no, we don’t have to get me ready. I’m already ready. Come on now, lets do it.
Just do it?
Honey, we’re not gay. We do it for a reason. We can make the baby tonight and it will be done. Maybe we’ll get a boy this time. Wouldn’t that be nice, a girl and a boy, big sister and all that. And then I think we’ll wait a few years.
A few years?
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Oh, two or three and that will be it. She reaches back and turns off the lamp. The stage is black. Come on honey, lets do it.