The Word Store

The Word Store




Lady clerk

Male clerk

School teacher

Expectant mother

Expectant dad

Man one

Man two

Dinner lady one

Dinner lady two


The Set

        The audience looks into the store from behind the counter. The woman clerk then has her back to the audience. Across from her is the door and display window. The window displays the name Word Store facing out. It is in a mall. People may be seen passing that window before entering the store.

  On the counter and in the shelves behind the counter are many small boxes. They are like the ones in which rings are incased. They hold printed words. Behind the counter there are selves with trays of the boxes. There is a jewelry store feel about the store. The lady clerk is well dressed.

        The play opens with her arranging boxes on the counter. Some she pulls them open to display the written word. People pass by the window. The door opens. Jason enters and holds open the door for his dad to walk in.


        Here it is, dad; my new store. And it’s going to work this time. It is.  Actually it already has. You should have been here yesterday. Like mom said: it was just bad luck with the toy store.


        Pillow store too. You know if it wasn’t for her you wouldn’t have gotten start up money again.


        Yeah, I know.


         Remember there’s your sister and Ronnie too.  He looks at the display window, the clerks and then his son. Word Store?


        I sell words


        You sell words? Words, Son, words are free. Anybody can use any word they want. What? he smiles what’s the catch here.


        They’re unused word.  We have them in those boxes you see on the counter.


        Unused? Unused words. Jason there’s dictionaries full of unused words.


        These are new. They don’t have meanings yet. You can put whatever meaning you want.


        Put any meaning. He stares at his son, throws up  his hands and walks in a circle back to his son. Are you alright?

        A woman passes the window and shortly the door opens. She is a school teacher. She looks about the store. It is apparent she is a little indecisive about coming in.

She walks to the lady clerk who smiles.  Dad pulls his head back with surprise.

Lady clerk

        May I help you?

        The school teacher looks this way and that seeing that their conversation is private. She leans closer to the clerk.

School Teacher

        I have a neighbor who is an Ass…she looks away and toward the audience who can see her round her lips for a soundless “hole”  But, well I can’t say words like that. I’m a teacher, and a proper one. I need a word that I can say what he is.

Lady Clerk

        I think we can help you with that. Would you like a one syllable word, two or more.

School Teacher

        Actually more for the Ass She hesitates before finishing the silent hole again turning to the audience…he is.

Lady Clerk

        How do you like these. She points to a row boxes. The lady leans to read the words inside.

        Dad and Jason need to step aside as the expectant couple enters. Her belly shows she is well on the way.

Expectant mother

        It’ll be just her name, and I want it to rhyme with something that will have people see how delightful she is.

Expectant dad

        I still like Molly. They step to the counter

Expectant Mother

        Sure, and she gets to school where there’ll be two or three Mollies. That’s the way it is. I was in a class with two other Patricia’s. Three of us and none of us could be Patricia; no we had Pat, Patty and I had to be Pad, just pad like sad, poor sad Pad. No, that isn’t going to happen to her. Can we see some you name words?

Lady Clerk

        Yes,  just moment I need to finish up with the lady.

        The School teacher smiles as he reads the word she likes.

School Teacher

        Oh yes, this is perfect. She  picks up he box and for a closer look.  I can say it right to his face and know I’m calling him a….well you know.  She flips up the price tag and pulls her head back. Oh my, I didn’t expect. But…she digs in her purse and gives the clerk her credit card.

Lady Clerk

        No, words aren’t cheap. Not here, anyway. She finishes the sale, puts the box in a bag, smiles and as the teacher leaves she turns her attention to the expectant couple who are looking in the display boxes. Would you like to see more..

        Two men come in, not together. Each goes to the counter and look at the boxes. Shortly Two well dressed women enter together.  Dad watches each one go to the counter. Dad scratches his head. He mouths “a word store?”


        Looks like I better get behind the counter.  He leaves

Dad and tends the two ladies. They are the Dinner party ladies.

        Each of the two men at separate parts of the counter and look at the displayed boxes, reading the word in one shaking their heads or smiling.

Expectant Mother

        Do you like this one? It’s really cute.

Expectant Dad

        Yeah, yeah, I do.  I like the sound. Can’t wait to call her that.  He pats his wife’s stomach, smiles, takes out his wallet and pays the Lady Clerk in cash. She in turn puts the box in a small bag with handles. The two walk out. Dad watches them leave. He shakes his head with disbelief.

Jason greets the two Dinner Ladies with how can I help you..

Dinner Lady One

        We’re having a dinner party, and we’re starting off with soup; but soup is such a common word and we can’t call it bisque because it isn’t bisque. We’ll sprinkle some parsley on top, but it still isn’t bisque, so we need a fitting name.


        Maybe something short like bisque?

Dinner Lady One

        Yes, something French I should think, maybe with la.


        Let me put up a few. He ducks to  get a  tray from under the counter. He sets it in front o f the ladies. I have a nice selection here.

Dinner Lady Two

        And we’ll need a name for the spoon too.

Dinner Lady One

        Can’t we just add spoon to the new soup name?

Dinner Lady Two

        Add the spoon to the new soup  name? Thinks for a moment.  Why yes,  I suppose. I was thinking, but you’re right. We can just do that. Oh here, look at this one.

First Man In

        To the Lady Clerk who has moved over from the expecting couple. He holds an open box up. .

Lady Clerk

        Oh, you’re

First Man In


Lady Clerk

        Well, Senator, how can I help you.

First Man In

        I’m looking for words with no meaning.

Lady Clerk

        All our words have no meaning. That is why we are here.

First Man In

        Yes, I know. What I mean is words that sounds like they mean something, but don’t.  Words that end with azation or ick.

Lady Clerk

        I see. And you’ll want to see the three and four syllable words.

First Man In

        Yes, let me have a look at them.

        The lady Clerk takes a tray from behind the counter and opens up several boxes and he proceeds to read the words.

        While the Dinner Ladies are looking at their selection, Jason steps over to help the Second Man who immediately flips up the price tags of the specimens

Second Man

        I just need to replace a few words.


        Worn out?

Second Man

        No, not that. It’s love, love this, love that,  I love hamburgers and last night I told my wife I love her. So what did I tell her?  Something smooth, long vowels, maybe a nice mouth movement so it’ll sound good.


        Okay.  Take a look at these over here. There’s a nice variety.

  He moves over to the Dinner ladies.

They  find their word, smile  and nod as they agree. You found one?

Dinner Lady One

        Oh yes, this one is perfect, and it will go hand and hand with spoon. It has just the right sound. She takes her credit card from her purse and hands it to Jason who finalizes the purchase and hands it back. Thank you. We’re so pleased. What would we do without stores like yours?

        They smile at Dad as they pass him. Dad smiles in return and nods. Then shakes his head as he is still amazed.

Second Man

        Ah, here, here. This is he one. Oh yeah.  Excited with  his find, he is in a rush now. He pays with cash and waves off the change. He leaves.

First Man In

        These are perfect. He slides four to the edge of the counter, drops them in his suit pocket and pays with a credit card.. He smiles. Great store you got here. He looks around, smiles at Dad and then walks out.

        The Lady clerk puts trays back under the counter and arranges the boxes again. Jason with one of the boxes in hand steps out from the counter and to Dad.



        Son, I was wrong. You really did it this time.


        You and mom stood up for me. Here, I thought you’d like a new word.


        Oh, well thanks. He pops open the box, looks at the word. That’s really nice. It is. I don’t, but I’m sure your mom will know what it means.

